La Ley at the Heart of Cigar Tradition.
The signature of LA LEY cigars is character, balance, and authenticity.
LA LEY cigars delight the aficionado’s senses with a firm and harmonious personality;imbued with a strength that is well rounded, aromas that are full and rich, and a progression that is tasty and noble.
The blend of premium international leaves - from Ecuador, Nicaragua, Honduras, and an enigmatic third country - propels tasters into subtle sensations of another time. Distinctiver sweet and warm, the bouquet of LA LEY cigars creates within aficionados sensations of pleasant familiarity, a feeling of peaceful and confident intimacy.
Produced in the traditional way, with the serenity and rituals necessary in any creation of exquisite craftsmanship, LA LEY cigars are made to genuinely deliver character and balance.
Founded originally in the 19th century, LA LEY cigars were revived as a tribute to the ancestral tradition of cigar making; in essence and harmony.
More than a century ago, our forefathers grew leaves and made cigars with nature as the central concept. Quality was paramount in every step of the process; shortcuts were never considered. Perfection was a must. Cigar creation was an art without compromise. For their second birth, LA LEY leaves and cigars were grown, harvested, dried,classified, fermented, aged, blended, and rolled following the purest traditional and natural approaches developed by our illustrious predecessors. Also, the cigar environment and its elements were chosen and developped to respect the historical consistency and recreate the atmosphere of the epoch, with symbolism and minimalism.
Contemporary cigars reborn from yesterday LA LEY cigars represent the very best of two ages. They are passionately and traditionally produced and proudly presented to be enjoyed today, with simplicity, with authenticity, and with balance.